Drive Automation

A video management problem

Every time we have to upload a video, the process is the same:

  • Export the video and create a thumbnail;
  • Upload the video, set the description, tags, playlists, thumbnail and publication time;
  • Archive the video and thumbnail files;
  • Create a new entry in the videos inventory for record.

Now, add an additional problem:

  • If a video A talks about a video B, and B talks about videos A and C. In which order should you publish them ?
  • This one is easy, schedule C to be published first, then A and B together anytime after.

Now imagine doing this same whole process with tenths of videos, and having to plan in which order to publish each of them !

This is a complicated and time consuming process.

How to solve this ?

Drive Automation is our answer to this problem. This is our custom video management platform.

It manages every aspect of the publication process. From the upload, schedule planning, to the inventory and file archiving.

How does it work ?

1. Plan a video

Use the interface to set the title, description, playlists. Specify any reference to other videos.

This will generate a dedicated Google Drive folder to put your files into.

2. Drag and drop

Put your exported video and thumbnail files into the folder.

3. Repeat…

Follow the same process for the videos you plan to upload.

4. And upload!

Now all you have to do is to start the automatic upload process!

The dedicated line in the inventory will be updated

This will manage every step managed before, from the upload and customization of every video, to their schedule depending on how they reference each other.

High level design

Here is an high level overview of this automated process:

Additional features

This automated process allows us to have an overview and better manage our videos. It also allows us to easily check elements such as:

  • Which videos still needs to be exported;
  • Which videos are missing a thumbnail;
  • Which video are referenced by other but are missing.